The economic ties between Russia and Africa, particularly Cameroon, should serve as an example of global collaboration such as this Russian company SIGMA LLC and SIMB GROUP SAS led by the Young Successful Cameroonian Entrepreneur Emile Parfait SIMB. SIGMA limited liability company (SIGMA LLC) was formed on January 31, 2022 based is Moscow, Kuznetsky Most str., 21/5. The purpose of the company’s activity is the most complete and high-quality satisfaction of the needs of individuals and legal entities.
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The Corporation’s principal business is the construction of residential and non-residential buildings.. Additional activities in the field of engineering surveys, engineering and technical design; construction project management; performance of construction control and supervision, provision of technical advice in these areas; consulting on commercial activities and management; provision of services in accounting, financial audit and tax consulting; activities in the field of law; production of other construction and installation works; preparation of construction sites; development of construction Projects.
The Company’s specialists and their business partners have extensive experience in implementing large- scale industrial and infrastructure projects in the Russian Federation and abroad. They participated in the modernization of oil refineries, the construction of port facilities and industrial complexes.
The Company also carries out foreign economic activity in the countries of Southeast Asia, Central Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe; creates independently and participates in the establishment of new legal entities, including with the participation of foreign individuals and legal entities; creates its branches and opens representative offices and bank accounts in Russia and abroad.
“Production and Construction Association “Kazan” (Kazan)
Participates in the construction of the Cosmodrome Vostochny . The facilities created and built by them in the field of the oil and gas industry are:
- JSC Kazanorgsintez;
- gas condensate processing plant and a gasoline plant with a complex of general- purpose facilities and an engineering laboratory building at CJSC “TAIF-NK”;
- base warehouse of liquefied petroleum raw materials;
- complex of oil refineries and petrochemical plants of JSC “TANECO”. LLC “SMU 27«
Implements a project for the construction of a multi-storey residential building on the street. Prospect Mira COMPANY PARTNERS (Saint Petersburg) «Promstroy» Is engaged in the construction of hydraulic structures in the Gulf of Finland by order of the general contractor «Zenit-Arena» LLC.
Agroholding “Steppe» (Rostov-on-Don)
А subsidiary of PJSFC «Sistema»
Real Estate, Crypto currencies, Finance, Agro Business, Gold and Diamond Mining, Airlines. SIGMA will take over the technical responsibility and the operation of the SIMB GROUP Mines in the CAR as well as the construction of some of its real estate sites in Africa. SIMB GROUP becomes the Focal Point of SIGMA in the negotiations of some of its activities in Africa Nadezhdinsky Metallurgical Combine (Yekaterinburg).
А company of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Combine. Metallurgical plant «Elektrostal» (Moscow region)
Russia is a huge economic potential for Africa and Africa for Russia. Why don’t you try to understand how they work and see your income and turnover grow with new Russian partners?
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